Texas Variety Gift Basket from Alamo Pecan & Coffee in San Saba, TX

Texas Variety Gift Basket

Sugar Free Tin from Alamo Pecan & Coffee in San Saba, TX

Sugar Free Tin

Alamo Basket

Shipping Caution – Due to Extreme Heat (You didn’t order Chocolate Soup) Product Heat Sensitive! Please call for more information  325-372-5275

Alamo Basket – Our Signature Alamo Gift Basket is as grand as the symbol with heroic flavors and products - as one of our state’s greatest monuments (our name is derived from it after all)!  When you speak of the Alamo you relate the site as momentous, symbolic, and true Texas History.  That’s why our signature gift basket comes in the shape of the Alamo. This lovely gift basket, filled with gourmet Texas goods, is just the gift for any Texas history buff. It is also a heartfelt option for a unique corporate gift. When it comes to this special gift basket, we say “Come and Take It!”. Join our very own gift giving Revolution!  At Alamo Pecan & Coffee, our words ring out as “Remember the Alamo….. the Unforgettable Taste!”   Best of Texas Products shipped to your door steps year round!

As low as $28.00

We are so proud to promote this reussable classic!   Its our bold signature Alamo Basket comes in two sizes: Medium - One flavor of gourmet pecans, 1/2 lb gourmet coffee beans and caramel pecan clusters. Large - One flavor of gourmet pecans, 1/2 lb gourmet coffee beans, caramel pecan clusters, and gourmet pecan preserves. *Candies may vary due to stock and weather.

Remember the Alamo with this handmade basket filled with gourmet goods straight from Texas! Surprise a special person with a genuine Lone Star gift.  Order one for a friend, and one for You!  

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