Wine Baskets

One-Bottle Wine and Pecan Specialty Gift Basket
We've teamed up with Alamo Pecan & Coffee Shop in San Saba, Texas to pair our award-winning wines with their favorite pecans to create a gift basket your loved ones, clients or employees will never forget.
White wine is paired with plain pecan halves and/or honey toasted pecans. Red wine is paired with roasted buttered and salted pecans and/or dark chocolate pecans.
Pecan flavors may vary due to availability and season.
Due to state law, your order will be completed on Wedding Oak Winery's website.
Note: Online order shipping available only in Texas. If shipping outside of Texas, call Alamo Pecan at (877) 618-9089 or Wedding Oak Winery at 325-372-4050.
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Renee @Google
Absolutely amazing!!!!!!! Quite the selection of all sorts of excellent pecan flavors, sweet, spicy, chocolate covered, you name it. And a lot of sugar free options. Excellent staff.
Natalie @Yelp
Absolutely Delicious!
Rosemarie @Amazon

Recipe of the Month
Pecans can be healthy, nutritious additions to your everyday meals & treats, across all seasons! Find the best recipe for this month on our blog page!
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