Pecans – the wonderful, meaty, healthy, nut - are mainly appealing for the tasty nuts held within the hard exterior. But pecan shells are just as useful!

The pecan shell is a material that can be used in many ways!

For instance, seasoning food during your next barbecue. Or burning them as an economically friendly source of heat – if you haven’t enjoyed the aroma of burning pecan shells – you definitely should try them in your fire pit. You can also add them to your beauty products or use them to keep pesky slugs away from your garden.

The list goes on!

Grilling with Pecans: A Flavorful Explosion!

Adding pecan shells to your briquette barbecue and allowing them to burn will get you a treat you’ve never imagined.


Place your food on the grill and allow them to cook over the pecan smoke. This acts as a natural seasoning as it adds the flavor and smell of pecans to your meat and veggies.

Meat and poultry are recommended choices for this kind of grilling flavor. The result? A soft, sweet aroma that will make your meal extra delicious.

Pecan Shells are a Biofuel Source! A Clean & Green Energy
You can use pecan shells or processed pecan shell pellets as small kindling pieces for building a fire!


The processed pecan shell pellets are ground shells pressed into small chunks. This is a means of making this heating source easier and more user-friendly than having to personally shell a large amount of pecans.

It is possible to produce thousands of pounds of pecans from one acre of pecan trees.  So, not only do the shells not only burn well, they are also an inexpensive, renewable biofuel.

It’s The Perfect Beauty Product Additive: Nature Does it Best!
This is an old well known beauty hack, but some of you ladies might learn something new!

Just place small amounts of pecan shells into a clean food processor or coffee grinder to grind them. Once they are ground into small particles or a coarse paste, you can add it to homemade soaps, body scrubs or facial cleansers.

The rough granules help exfoliate dead skin cells. To make the best of your pecan shell exfoliation, dampen your skin with warm water and use soft to medium pressure to rub the product in small circles over your skin. Rinse with warm water.

Exfoliate whenever you notice your skin is becoming dry and flaky. Exfoliating every day is not recommended however. Remember to test a small amount on your skin prior to using any new cleansing products.

And, of course, The Pecan Shells Mulch
Cool weather encourages lots of hours in the yard and you can take your leftover pecan shells and crush them into moderately small pieces.

Add the pecan bits to your soil and mix them in thoroughly to produce garden mulch. The shells help retain moisture in the soil, as well as adding an aesthetic appeal to the soil.

And as a bonus - this treatment also works as a slug deterrent, as these garden invaders do not like to navigate across the jagged edges.

Eat the fruit, and enjoy the benefits of the Shell – Pecans the 100%
eco-friendly and nutritious nut!!